Bomb threats on a plane

Bomb threats are taken extremely seriously by the courts, especially when it is said on a plane.

Our law firm has represented clients charged with the serious offence of ‘Threats and False Statements’ under the Crimes (Aviation) Act, being to threaten to destroy, damage, or endanger the safety of an aircraft, or kill or injure anyone on board. The maximum penalty is 10 years.

Often, clients make such threats whilst intoxicated. They usually have no criminal history or very minor history and show a great deal of remorse after they are sober and realise the severity of what they have said. And like most criminal cases, there are usually significant personal circumstances which have led a client to this point. 

If the charge is proven, a term of imprisonment can follow. Prospects can be improved by negotiating facts, preparing supporting material, and using our access to legal databases to research comparable cases in arguing for a lower sentence. This is the basis of the most effective submissions for a better outcome.

Contact us to speak to our experienced lawyers in aviation crimes about your case.

All articles on our website are of a general nature and should not be relied upon as legal advice. The information contained within, is accurate at the time of publication. If you require further information, advice or assistance for your specific circumstances, please contact us.


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